The Tribunal will consider these 4 factors when it receives the appeal:
1. Time 
ü  Ensure the appeal documents are filed with the Tribunal within the specified timeframe.
2. Order 
ü  Ensure that you have used the correct form, you have signeand dated the form and provided contacdetails
ü  Ensure all the attachments are included
ü  Ensure you have clearly indicated the grounds of your appeal and identified what relief you seek
  3. Service
ü  Ensure you have provided a copy of your appeal documents to the concerned authority, co-respondent and all concerned parties on time. It is imperative to provide evidence to the Tribunal that parties have been served your appeal documents and date on which they were served.
  4. Ensure you have provided the Tribunal with an original of the form and all attachments.
The proceedings will not gahead until all these requirements have been met After that the matter will be referred to the Chairperson for fixing the matter.
More information
The Environment and Land Use Appeal Tribunal Act 2012 is a guide to practice in the Tribunal.​