In addition to the lodging of the appeal at the Tribunal, the appellant must serve the Notice of Appeal, statement of case and witness statement on interested third parties.
"Serving" documents means providing copies of documents to all other parties. By serving the other parties, you are notifying them of the step you are taking and of the information you will be presenting to the Tribunal, and giving them an opportunity to respond. You need to deliver a copy of all the appeal documents filed before the Tribunal to:
Section 5 (4) (ad): any party served with a copy of the notice of appeal, statement of case and any witnesss statement shall, within 21 days of receipt thereof, forward his reply and comments (Statement of Defense) thereon to the Tribunal, with copy to appellant.
Section 5 (4) (ae): The Appellant may, within 21 days of receipt of the reply and comment, submit any reply and comment thereon to the Tribunal with copy to all relevant parties.
Section 5 (4) (b): Where a decision referred to in paragraph (a) is one which is not, under the relevant Act, required to be notified to the person wishing to appeal, he shall deposit the notice and grounds of appeal with the Secretary not later than 21 days from the date on which public notice of the decision was given.