The Environment and Land Use Appeal Tribunal was established under the Environment and Land Use Appeal Tribunal Act 2012 to hear appeals relating to matters pertaining to land use and environment with a mandate to provide environmental justice. The Tribunal opens the doors to litigants who are recipients of decisions of the relevant authorities as well as those who feel aggrieved by their decisions.
Thus ELUAT hears and determines appeals against decisions of the following institutions:
  1. The Ministry of Environment (under Section 119 of the Environment Act 2024)
  2. Decisions of Municipal City Councils, Municipal Town Councils or District Councils (under Section 117(14) and 120C(4)(d) of the Local Government Act 2011)​
  3. The Morcellement Board, under section 7B of the Morcellement Act.
  4. Under Sections 7 and 25 of the Town and Country Planning Act; and​
  5. Exercise such other jurisdiction as may be prescribed in any relevant Act

Any proceedings before the Tribunal, other than an appeal under Section 4(1), shall be initiated by way of proecipe and affidavit within 21 days  of the date when the cause of action arose.
Mediation - The Tribunal is empowered to conduct mediations with a view to effect amicable settlement between the parties.